Welcome to the Polli:Nation website.  If you want to find out more about pollinators you are in the right place.

Find expert advice and resources to help identify them and make habitat and homes for them.  Whether in a school or community space or even your back garden you can help protect pollinators too.  The Polli:Nation project worked with 260 schools and 35,000 pupils across the UK to support pollinators with some incredible results.

Click on the boxes above to learn more about Identifying and helping protect pollinators. Check out our quick link resources for schools

Want more information?  Use our toolkit for everything from

Schools based learning, pollinator identification and supporting making positive changes to pollinator habitat.

The pollination project worked with 260 schools, 35,000 pupils and 1000s of volunteers from across Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Here is what we learnt works in schools.

Feeling inspired? Here is a quick guide to getting started making changes to your school grounds for pollinators

Bee creative

An inspiring video from Prudhoe Community High School combining arts, music,  science and technology.

Make a pollinator promise today

Protect our pollinators click to make your work count

Introduce Pollinators

to your class with this simple video from DEFRA.

Project Conclusions

Check out our final project webinar with star speakers from across the project and its partners evaluating and talking through our results and findings.

Pollination is the National Lottery Award winner for Environmental projects 2018

The Awards recognise the incredible difference that Lottery-funded projects have made to people, places and communities all across the UK through the 535,000 grants awarded since 1994.

Of numerous environmental projects funded by the Lottery Pollination has won the peoples vote!