Useful materials:

The Polli:Nation project ran from 2015 – 2019 with 260 schools.  From our Home Page you will find a host of resources to support your journey LEARNING about Pollinators, SUPPORTING pollinators and creating habitat for them.

Check out our Toolkit for more detailed work.

Activity ideas

Search our activities section or visit the button below

The Process of Change

The Learning Through Landscapes Planning Process

Learning through Landscapes planning cycle can help you during and beyond your project and should complement your school plans.

Groundnotes: Planning for change

A Learning through Landscapes Membership materials to support your planning.

Funding support

Advise on setting up a fundraising strategy.

Tools to survey your school grounds

OPAL Polli:Nation survey

The OPAL survey designed especially for our Polli:Nation project to see what out school grounds can do for pollinators.

Find Your Survey Site Code

If you can’t remember the site code for your survey site, you can use our interactive map to find it.

School Grounds Audit Tool

A spreadsheet audit tool to look at the whole of your school grounds beyond  your Polli:Nation project.

Design and planning tools

Quick reference curriculum links

English curriculum links

Northern Ireland Curriculum Pages