Our School Grounds: Creating Habitat For Pollinators
Suitable for:
Pollinator friendly habitat is easy to incorporate into school grounds. Our goal is to support teachers, pupils, parents, guardians, after school programs, and youth groups, amongst others, to create feeding, nesting and shelter habitat for pollinators.
The resources listed on this page will help you plan and design the changes within your schools grounds, introduce you to some of the many insect pollinators these changes will benefit and provide tips, guidance and other teaching materials.
If you have not already done so we recommend taking part in the Polli:Nation Survey, this will help you identify which habitat types you already have within your school grounds and which ones you might want to create. It will also allow you to look at how the habitat changes you make affect the number and variety of pollinating insects that visit your school.
You should be able to find everything you need to know about how to create a particular kind of habitat and its value to pollinators by following the links contained on this page. For tips and practical guidance on how to begin making changes in your area see the ‘Developing your Space’ section. this section includes information on organising development days, volunteers and management and maintenance. If you are looking for information on a particular topic please use the image below to help you navigate through these pages.

Creating feeding habitat

Practical guidance and ideas for creating:
- Flower beds and pots
- Wildflowers
- Trees
Creating nesting and shelter habitat

Practical guidance and ideas for creating:
- Bare ground
- Man-made insect homes
- Damp places (ponds and bog gardens)
Improving other habitat

Practical guidance and ideas for improving:
- Bare walls and fences
- Concrete or tarmac
- Grassland